
Coping with Labor


This class is designed to help you become an active participant in your own labor. Topics include:

• relaxation and breathing
• tools to help you cope with labor, including labor affirmations, touch, massage, movement and positions, imagery, music and aromatherapy
• labor support.

Bring a blanket or yoga mat and two pillows to practice breathing and relaxation exercises.

It is recommended you complete this class no later than one month before your due date.

If you are going to take any of these classes: Childbirth Preparation - Weekend Express; Refresher Birth & Parenting Preparation; or Childbirth Preparation: Twins, Triplets or More, or Childbirth Preparation: Week Night Express, it is recommended you finish that class before taking Coping with Labor.

Register at

Location: Justice or Partnership Conference Room
Type: Class
Preregistration: Required
Phone: 866-904-9962
Language: English