
Prenatal Yoga (6-week series)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM

Pregnancy is a wonderful time to begin a yoga practice! New students and experienced yoginis alike will appreciate how this class connects you to baby and prepares you, body and heart, for childbirth. We guide you gracefully through meditation, breathing, and movement that provides much-needed relaxation while strengthening the muscles that support your growing baby during pregnancy and labor.

Reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom about birth, and connect with other moms in a safe, open community that encourages you to freely discuss your concerns, joys, discomforts, and the many wonders that you, your body, and your baby are experiencing. Drop-ins welcome. If you need child care, be sure to reserve a spot for your little one!

Though we encourage you to pre-register online at, drop-ins and late-comers are always welcome!

Location: Justice Conference Room
Type: Class
Preregistration: Not required
Language: English