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Andrew Polzin, RN, CWOCN
Wound Care
St. Francis Health Clinic
1455 St. Francis Ave.
Shakopee, MN 55379
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Andrew has been an RN since 2015 and a Certified Wound, Ostomy and Continence nurse since 2018.
As a registered nurse, he comes with experience from a high acuity medical/surgical unit in a large urban hospital, as well as a hospital that specializes in brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation. It was in these settings that Andrew was inspired to pursue a career specializing in wound care.
He comes from a teaching hospital in the prestigious Emory Healthcare system with experience in managing and treating complex cases including enterocutaneous fistulas, hidradenitis suppurativa, and calciphylaxis. He is currently pursing a certification in foot and nail care to help fill a need in the community.
In his free time, likes to spend time with his family. As he continues to settle in and explore the Twin Cites area, he is looking forward to expanding his hobbies to include all Minnesota has to offer.
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