I’m passionate about: my family and traveling. They both enrich my life and make me a better person and physician.
Most people don’t know that: I used to play tenor saxophone in a jazz band.
My heroes are: my parents. As I grow older and learn to raise my own family, I realize the sacrifices they made to help me become the person I am today.
My personal health goal is: trying to stay active and healthy while working full-time and raising a toddler.
One of the challenges of my career that I enjoy is: meeting people of all ages and different walks of life, and learning how to best individualize care for each patient. I learn something new from my patients every day.
The best thing I have done for my health is: buying mostly natural or organic foods when I can. Having my son has taught me the importance of knowing what’s in our food.
I am most proud of: my husband and my son; they inspire me.
A few of my personal achievements include: being published in the Journal of Family Practice in 2009, “Best Medical Therapy for Early Parkinson’s;” camping almost every state park in Minnesota, white water rafting in Washington, snowboarding at Whistler Mountain, biking in Virginia, hiking in Guatemala, soaking in the hot springs of Japan, petting a kangaroo in Australia, road-tripping to Spain; swimming the oceans of the Marshall Islands, Philippines and New Zealand.